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Pressure to Moles Calculator

(Default: 8.314 J/(K·mol))

1. What is a Pressure to Moles Calculator?

Definition: This calculator determines the number of moles of an ideal gas based on its pressure, volume, temperature, and gas constant using the Ideal Gas Law.

Purpose: It’s useful in chemistry and physics to quantify gas amounts in various conditions using SI units.

2. How Does the Calculator Work?

Calculations are based on the Ideal Gas Law:

\[ PV = nRT \] \[ n = \frac{PV}{RT} \]

Where (default units):

  • \(P\) = Pressure (Pa)
  • \(V\) = Volume (m³)
  • \(n\) = Number of moles (mol)
  • \(R\) = Gas constant (default 8.314 J/(K·mol))
  • \(T\) = Temperature (K)
Unit Conversions:
ParameterUnitConversion to SI
PressurePa1 Pa
kPa1000 Pa
bar100,000 Pa
psi6894.76 Pa
atm101,325 Pa
Volume1 m³
L0.001 m³
TemperatureK1 K
°CT + 273.15 K
°F(T - 32) × 5/9 + 273.15 K
Gas ConstantJ/(K·mol)8.314 (default)
Molesmol1 mol
mmol10³ mol
µmol10⁶ mol
nmol10⁹ mol
pmol10¹² mol
Explanation: Inputs are converted to SI units (Pa, m³, K), and moles are calculated using \( n = \frac{PV}{RT} \) with \( R \) in J/(K·mol). The default units ensure accurate results.

3. Using the Calculator

Tips: Enter Pressure (default Pa), Volume (default m³), Temperature (default K), and Gas Constant (default 8.314 J/(K·mol)), then click "Calculate" to get the number of moles in multiple units (mol, mmol, µmol, nmol, pmol).

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