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Barlow's Formula Calculator - Calculate pipes internal, allowable and bursting pressure

1. What is a Working Pressure or Maximum Allowable Pressure Calculator?

Definition: This calculator computes the maximum allowable design pressure (\( P_a \)) for a pipe using Barlow's formula: \( P_a = 2 S_y F_d F_e F_t t / d_o \), where \( S_y \) is yield strength, \( F_d \) is the design factor, \( F_e \) is the longitudinal joint factor, \( F_t \) is the temperature derating factor, \( t \) is wall thickness, and \( d_o \) is the outside diameter.

Purpose: It helps engineers and designers determine the safe operating pressure for pipelines, ensuring structural integrity and compliance with industry standards in liquid and gas pipeline applications.

2. How Does the Calculator Work?

Calculations are based on Barlow's formula:

\[ P_a = \frac{2 S_y F_d F_e F_t t}{d_o} \]

Unit Conversions:

Category Unit Conversion to SI Unit
Pressure psi (Pounds per square inch) 1 psi = 6894.76 Pa
Pa (Pascals) 1 Pa
bar 1 bar = 100,000 Pa
kPa (Kilopascals) 1 kPa = 1000 Pa
MPa (Megapascals) 1 MPa = 1,000,000 Pa
at (Technical atmospheres) 1 at = 98,066.5 Pa
atm (Standard atmospheres) 1 atm = 101,325 Pa
Torr 1 Torr = 133.322 Pa
hPa (Hectopascals) 1 hPa = 100 Pa
inHg (Inches of mercury) 1 inHg = 3386.39 Pa
Length (Wall Thickness, Outside Diameter) in (Inches) 1 in
mm (Millimeters) 1 mm = 0.0393701 in
Explanation: Yield strength is converted to psi, and length units (wall thickness and outside diameter) are converted to inches. The result pressure is calculated in psi, then converted to other units.

3. Importance of Working Pressure Calculation

Details: Accurate calculation of maximum allowable pressure is critical for ensuring pipeline safety, preventing failures, and complying with engineering standards for liquid and gas pipelines.

4. Using the Calculator

Tips: Enter Yield Strength (psi, Pa, kPa, MPa, bar), Design Factor (select pipeline type or custom value), Longitudinal Joint Factor, Temperature Derating Factor, Wall Thickness (in, mm), and Outside Diameter (in, mm). Results include maximum allowable pressure in multiple units (psi, Pa, bar, kPa, MPa, at, atm, Torr, hPa, inHg).

5. Notes

Notes: The design factor (\( F_d \)) depends on the pipeline type (liquid or gas class). Typical values are provided and automatically filled when selected. All factors (\( F_d \), \( F_e \), \( F_t \)) should be between 0 and 1. Wall thickness and outside diameter must be positive values.

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